3 Reasons Why I Became A Style Coach

Oct 25, 2022
fashion, style, style coach, coaching program, style coaching program, luxury fashion, luxury stylist, Neiman Marcus, free style guide

There are a plethora of reasons for why I decided to become a Style Coach.

But for the sake of your sanity and my fingertips, I won’t go through all 1,000 of them - only 3.

So, what’s a Style Coach - and how are they different from a Personal Stylist?

To be honest, a Style Coach and Personal Stylist aren’t that much different as they have the same goal: To help their client look good AF and feel their best.

However, a Personal Stylist is someone who advises individuals on what to wear based on their style taste, body type, and lifestyle. There isn’t much internal work done for the client - just external.

On the other hand, a Style Coach works with individuals more intentionally. They not only help their clients with their desired style, but they also help change one’s limiting beliefs and mindset around style. They help transform the way the client feels about themselves. They focus on the outside AND the inside.

Based on my personality and past experiences, I chose to be a Style Coach.

Here’s why:

Working in Luxury Fashion

What solidified the fact that I was meant to be a Style Coach was my career at Neiman Marcus. Clients would spend thousands of dollars to look the part, but would still be suffering internally.

I remember one client I had who’s an Influencer - let’s call her Jennifer. She was going on a two-week vacation (which was also a conference with several events) and needed multiple outfits for each event. I came into work hours earlier to pull looks and set up the fitting room. I got her snacks, champagne and created a great environment for her.

I was super excited for this appointment because not only was it going to be one of my biggest sales, but she was going to look jaw-dropping in EVERY look!

10:30am rolled around and Jennifer arrived with her mom. I was running around getting more things for her and catering to her every need - then came the problem.

As she tried on several different looks, my face lit up because she truly looked AMAZING. However, she didn’t see what I did. She kept whining to her mom about all of her insecurities. Every outfit came with a different excuse for why she couldn’t wear it.

The truth is, she didn’t like what she saw in the mirror every day. She didn’t love herself, neither did she have a lick of confidence. As a result, she felt like she didn’t deserve to have nice clothes - so she didn’t buy anything.

She was constantly putting on a happy face for social media, but was actually unhappy with herself behind closed doors.

This is the reality for many women, especially women of color. And I want to change that.

I’ve witnessed (and experienced) how an outfit can change how you feel about yourself - and I want that for everyone.

One of my favorite clients from Neiman’s - let’s call her Harley - shopped with me regularly after her first experience with me.

She came in looking for an outfit for an event that she had that night. She was incredibly unhappy that day. She was feeling insecure and telling me about what she was going through.

I helped her put together a look and she walked out the store in that outfit, CONFIDENT AF, straight to her event. It’s like she forgot she was upset in the first place.

The next day, she called me, thanking me for helping her and making her feel like a million bucks. When I tell you she was nearly crying on the phone! She walked into Neimans unsure of herself and walked out like a confident badass.

As women, too many of us are unsure of ourselves. If there's anything I know how to do, it's hype a woman up and style her like the boss she is.

I wanted to get my first paying client (and future) results faster

Let me introduce y’all to my OG Client. My A1 since Day 1, Rebecca.

Her ambition was insanely inspiring. She joined my old membership in 2021 ready to do all of the course work and get results. She started calling me her style coach. She trusted that she was in the right place after she had so many failed attempts with other stylists.

If that didn’t light a fire under my ass to be the best, I don’t know what did.

3 months later, I realized uploading videos and other content in the membership was too time consuming - especially as a one-woman show. I decided that I could use that same amount of energy to get my clients life-changing results through 1:1 coaching - that membership wasn’t going to cut it.

So I dropped it and created my 3 month program.

And yes, she completed the program and got insane results.

You can read her story in my free guide, here.

In conclusion…

How you dress mirrors how you feel about yourself. And you deserve to feel amazing and look GOODT. Invest in yourself and your style - and you'll see your life change right before your eyes.

So here I am. Diamond, your Style Coach. If you wanna get constant updates, advice, and my free style guide, join my mailing list! And if you want 1:1 coaching and a kick ass style that truly speaks to you, join my 3 month program, Stylish Badass. I'd love to go on a style journey with you!

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Girl I HATE spam. What I look like selling your info? Absolutely not.

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