The Secret to Killer Confidence

Mar 25, 2022
style, fashion, confidence, confidence sucks, how to have better confidence, style confidence, secret to better confidence, style blog, women

Confidence. Such a simple word - yet its 10-letters can make or destroy you. An abundance of it can get you far in life and a lack of it can hold you back.

I have a feeling you've been letting your lack of confidence hold you back - otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this.

The reality is, your confidence sucks - and your style suffers because of it. Having terrible style and no idea what looks good on you has led you into an unending cycle of envy, frustration, and unworthiness. You hate how everything looks good on other people, but never on you.

Or maybe you do have great style - in your head at least. The proof is on every Pinterest board and vision board you’ve created - but you’re too afraid to pursue it. You care way too much about the opinions of others — so you don’t elevate your style because you’re afraid of what they’ll think.

You’re living in fear - and not having confidence holds you back from opportunities that life offers you.

I’ve experienced every one of these problems firsthand and I see others deal with it all the time. This constant self-sabotage and playing small has forced others to avoid chasing after their style desires and it’s forced you to do the same.

So, what’s my solution?

Well first, you have to get out of your head and acknowledge your worth.

And secondly, my new 10-week program, Stylish Badass.

A program that was created to challenge your mind and the way you view yourself and your style. You’ll have guided sessions, weekly challenges, and a community of endless support.

There are 3 levels of my framework that are broken down throughout the program: Vision, Confidence, and Action. For the next 3 weeks, I’ll be taking you through the 3 levels of Confidence I have my clients go through: Facing your fears, flipping your mindset, and owning your identity.

It’s time for women - especially women of color - to show up. We live in a world where appearance is a huge deal. Statistically speaking, people who have great style show an increase in confidence as well as a more positive self-image. That increase in confidence becomes noticeable and opportunities become the norm.

I want you to stop hiding, get out of your head and take higher positions in this world. And that starts by dressing better and feeling better.

The more confident you are, the more power you’ll have. The more power you have, the better your life and the world can be. So let’s get you on the road to killer confidence!

Whatcha waitin' for boo? Read level 1 of Killer Confidence, Facing your Fears now!!

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